
Friday, September 6, 2013

Punctuation Writing- Mob Of The Dead

Once upon a time there lived 4 people named Finn, Albert, Salvatore and Billy. They all were in jail. One day one of the guards called Ferguson he went along the jails and he said “9:30 lights out”. When it came to Salvatore he said “Hi Ferguson how is your night” “good my son is turning 6 years old” replied Ferguson. Salvatore replied with a nice voice “ain't that sweet”. Next is was Finn. Ferguson was in a voice were he did not like Finn “WORKING on that saturday writing FINN” “Yes” said Finn. Then it came to Billy he said “are you going to make him be quiet or do I have to” “NO you ain’t the guard” replied Ferguson in are angry voice. “aaaarrrrgggghhhh” said Albert. Ferguson walked over to him. Albert was pretending to be sick he was like “you need to get to doc” “ok” said Ferguson. He opened the door and he went to pick up but Albert stabbed him 5 times. Albert got the keys and opened the door for Salvatore, Finn and Billy. When the doors were opened Billy gave them all a gun.

Then all they heard was Ferguson walking towards them and “aaaarrrrgggghhhh”. “Is that a zombie” said Albert. Billy he said to albert “it is Albert you forgot how to get stuff down”. Ferguson got shot from Billy in the shoulder. So all of them shot Ferguson and he finally died. Albert  was curious what was gonna happen and or the heard was zombies calling out “aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”. They needed to escape but Albert, Finn and Billy died from the zombies. Salvatore was going to escape but zombies just came at the back of him and ripped his T-shirt off and started to eat his back

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